Friday, June 29, 2012

Always Adding Something New

Here at AAA State of Play we are always trying to find new and exciting products to offer. It is important to us to find the best and most fun equipment for kids. Check our site on a regular basis to see what new things we find!

Today we are featuring one of our new products, the Freestanding Crawl Tunnel. This simple apparatus allows kids to climb through and peer out the sides through portholes. The Freestanding Crawl Tunnel is best suited for ages 2-12.

Its easy installation makes it a great choice when you want to add an independent piece to your playground. Check out the Freestanding Crawl Tunnel and all of our other new products!

Freestanding Crawl Tunnel

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Why is it Important for your Kids to Play Outside?

Kids don't want to go outside when they are busy playing with PSPs and computer games. But if you want to keep them active and healthy, take the kids to the playground regularly. They will love playing with their friends and explore new stuff. Kids are full of energy and it is your job to make them utilize it in right things, which is beneficial for them.

Water Play Rubber Surface
Children become physically fit and master the skills that cannot be developed at home. Activities like running around, jumping rope, trying hand at play sets keeps them active. Studies have showed that children who play regularly outside are fitter and healthier than the kids who stay inside.

Interacting with other children also increases the confidence level in them. They learn to cooperate with each other while playing on the same playground equipment. The play sets installed in outdoor playground should be suited for the kids and must comply with necessary safety measures and quality standards.

You can choose the playing equipment for the community, school or church playgrounds from AAA State of Play. We have different kinds of playground equipment that meets National Safety Standards including CPSC guidelines as dictated by ASTM F 1487-01.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

My Next Big Project: Playground App

I am pleased to announce our next big project! We want to develop a fun app for your smart phone devices.

I admit that there are a few games I play on my phone pretty regularly and I think it would be a lot of fun to come up with one ourselves! Once a day I check in on my Dream Zoo and earn my coins and add new animals. I also love to play Words with Friends and Hanging with Friends. It is a lot of fun to have a continuous game going with someone.

I've built a zoo, so I know I'd build a playground! It is our hope to make this app available to everyone and set it up so you can play with friends.

I think it would be great for kids to just have fun. But it would also be beneficial for adults if one is looking to build a real park or playground. To have an idea mapped out in the app would be a great asset when looking to make the equipment purchase.

What would you like to see in a playground themed app?

Comment on our post, or head on over to Facebook or Twitter and let us know what you think!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

A Childhood Park Looks for an Update

A childhood park in my hometown is looking to update the equipment. After hearing this news I started to think about the many hours I spent there playing.

I remember there being swings, a shelter, a merry go round, and a climber that looked like a friendly spider. It will be bittersweet to see the updated look the park will get. On one hand, all of the things I played on will be gone. But on the other hand, newer and safer equipment will be in place for kids to play on!

I remember spending a lot of time climbing up and down the spider legs and around the dome that made the body. It was helpful when it came to imaginative play as well! All sorts of games could be invented and I remember hanging upside down by my knees from the bars on the spider.

Charlotte the Spider Climber
If keeping a similar look to what already exists is important, then it can be done! We offer many products that can fit the classic equipment that already exists. Charlotte the Spider Climber is a great choice for an updated spider climber. This climber helps build strength and balancing skills.

While keeping an older look and style to a playground may be important to a town, updating equipment is definitely necessary. Updating equipment not only improves the overall look of a playground, but it improves safety as well.

Monday, June 25, 2012

A Bench in an Unlikely Place

Last Friday evening I went mini-golfing with my family. When we were a few holes in I noticed a bench next to the hole we were playing. I had not thought of benches being a necessity at a mini-golf course!

While the course was not busy when we were there, it often is! If there are a lot of people playing, then you may have to wait at some holes until the people in front of you are finished. What better way to wait than by sitting on a bench!

This just brings to mind all of the places that could use a bench. Just when you think you don't need one, you might!

Mini-golfing has always been one of my favorite things to do with my family and it is great to know that a place to sit is provided when you have to wait.
Nic and Ryan, testing out a bench!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Why Rubber Playground Mulch is Beneficial for Your Backyard?

It's always a good idea to convert the backyard into the private playground for your kids. To provide the safer environment to your kids, you must use the high quality playground mulch in your backyard. Playground mulch not only protects your children but also provides a clean surface.

Artificial Grass Surface
Grass cannot protect your kids from injuries. In fact, it becomes too hot & dry and easily wiped out from the ground surface during summers. Therefore, you should use the high quality rubber playground mulch to make the backyard playground safer for your children. Covering the rough ground with rubber playground mulch is the best way to protect your kids.

Rubber playground mulch is made up of used rubber materials, which can be placed about six or more inches above the ground. It requires less or no maintenance. You can also easily dry the wet rubber mulch in few minutes by using a hose. Well placed rubber mulch can stick to the ground for years on end.

Unlike grass, rubber playground mulch prevents the spread insect and other rodents in your backyard. During winters, rubber playground mulch gets warm and provides a comfortable surface for the kids to run on. You can explore the wide collection of superior quality playground mulch at AAAStateofPlay and buy one for your backyard at reasonable prices.

Adding a Water Element to Your Play Area

With the temperatures rising it is easy to see why kids want to play in water. But if there is not a pool in your area you may be able to offer some relief from the heat!

Tot Town Waterplay
A favorite of mine is the Tot Town Waterplay system. It is designed to be a two tier fountain that splashes down into four individual basins that are designed to look like flower petals. Another great thing about this fountain is that sand can be added into the individual basins for additional creative play!

Another favorite of mine is the Boulder Creek. It is a unique water table that includes molded animals and rock shapes. A water hook up allows the water to flow through the top of the boulder and down so that kids can splash around and cool off.

Boulder Creek
There are several choices you can make when it comes to adding a water element to your play area. Not only are they great additions when it is hot out, but they offer up something different that you don't normally see in play areas.

Have a great weekend and stay cool!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Why You Need a Shade Structure...

Good morning all! Today I'm going to tell you a little about shade structures and why they are worth the extra expense.

Shades are available in several sizes, colors, and designs to fit any area. Shades don't have to be limited to a playground either. Put them poolside to provide shade to those who want to lay by the pool, but don't want the dangers of UV rays. They also provide great shelter at a park setting.

It is important that there is some sort of relief from the sun. Not only because it can get very hot, especially for kids playing, but because it protects them from the UV rays. Any relief from the sun on a hot summer day is welcome!

A lot of states require some amount of shade in your playground. If you are worried about the extra cost, some grants are available for UV protection.

Personally, I think it is worth the extra amount for a shade. I love being in the sun! But sometimes the sun starts to get too hot and it is nice to have shade to cool down under. It relieves your skin of the sun's strength.

Umbrella Square Shade Structure- Pool Side

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Tea Cup Merry Go Round

Good afternoon! Today's post was going to be a fun video of the AAA State of Play Professional Model, Ryan, testing out a Tea Cup Merry Go Round. However, when we reached the park the Tea Cup was broken and wouldn't spin!

This is a perfect example of why maintenance is so important. That is one piece of equipment that is unable to provide kids with a fun time while they are at the park. Not to mention, something serious could be wrong with it, and kids could get hurt.

All manufacturers recommend yearly maintenance at the very minimum. Ideally, maintenance is done more often. Monthly even. If your playground has wood mulch then maintenance definitely needs to be done monthly. Weekly is even better!

Bottom line is we want kids to be safe while they play. Regular maintenance is one way to assure that you know what is happening at your playground on a regular basis.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Dog Parks for Beginners

Good morning all! It is definitely a beautiful day to be outside and play. Those of you with children may be heading out to a park or playground on a nice day like this. But even if you don't have children, you can still enjoy being outdoors! A great option is to take the furry child out to play!

Dog parks are a great activity for your pet to run off some energy, just as playgrounds do the same for children. Dog parks are extremely popular in cities since there isn't a lot of space for dogs to run while they are at home.

There is a dog park just around the corner from my house, but I am still waiting to take my dog to play. Bailey, a chocolate lab pup, is still learning basic training skills and while she is extremely friendly I still want to train her up a bit more before letting her loose at a dog park with other pets.

If you are looking to visit a dog park in your area you should check to see what the rules are and what you need to do to get your dog registered. To take Bailey to the dog park in my area I would need to bring her shot records to the main park office showing her current inoculations against main diseases such as Rabies, Parvo, Distemper, and Bordetella. I also need to fill out an application, sign a waiver, and pay the appropriate fee for the pass. At my local dog park I can choose to pay for an annual or a daily pass.

I am looking forward to the first day I can take Bailey to the dog park. I know she will be very happy and will play for hours. Not only are dog parks great for dogs, but for their owners as well. You can enjoy being outside while your pet plays and you do not have to worry about them running off. They are in a safe environment. Don't forget to bring water along!

Some dog parks are installing water fountains for pets! They allow the owner to push a button and the dog can drink from it just like a water fountain for people.

If there is not a dog park in your area, then you are in luck! We have everything you need to build a dog park! Just visit the Dog Park section of our website and get started today!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Did You Know the Benefits of a Dome Climber?

Junior Geo Dome Climber
Kids love to explore different kinds of playground equipment, be it the swing, the slide or the seesaw. The above mentioned pieces of equipment run high in the ‘fun’ factor. But there is one playground equipment which is not only ‘fun’ but is also beneficial for your kids. We are talking about the Dome Climber- which is a playground structure that kids love to play in for hours on end. This geometric metal climbing dome structure is not only the source of entertainment for your kids but it also builds their physical strength and keeps them flexible & fit.

It is no wonder that the Dome Climber is a hit with the kids. They love to climb, do a bit of gymnastics and play in the structure. It also presents a challenge before the kids as they want to quickly excel in climbing up or down the dome. While playing in the Dome Climber, their muscles become strong and grip enhances, while they are busy trying various imaginative formations on the dome climber.

Kids are always full of energy. They love to climb and dome climber is just the perfect structure for such activities. You will be astonished to see how much time they love spending in the Dome Climbers.

Now that you know how beneficial a dome climber is for the kids, you must buy one for yours. You can easily place it in your backyard playground or get it installed in the community playground, church, school etc.  AAA State of Play has a wide selection of Dome Climbers just choose the one that you find fit for your kids.

Friday, June 15, 2012

My First Post as the Playground Extraordinaire

Main Contributor
Hi! I'm Kristen and I am the main contributor to AAA State of Play's Blog. I am fairly new to this industry and look forward to helping you learn about playground equipment!

First, a little about us..

AAA State of Play is an exclusively commercial playground equipment company. Absolutely everything we offer is commercial and follows the standards set forth by the ASTM and CSPC standards. But don't feel like you can't purchase some of our equipment if you are looking for something residential. Most often playground accessories are purchased for homes, such as merry go rounds, swings, or bouncers. Commercial grade equipment is made to last, so you can be assured that you will have your equipment for a long time.

We ship equipment all over the United States, including Alaska and Hawaii, as well as Mexico and Canada. But we don't stop there! We have had customers in China, Taiwan, and Australia. AAA State of Play is able to ship to any location. Equipment pick ups are also available at our warehouse in Indiana as well as several manufacturer's warehouses across the country. Contact one of our Playground Specialists for more information on pick ups.

Order by phone, fax, email, or purchase order. Visit for more information on ways to order!

Our goal is to use this blog to do more than just inform you of our products. We want to inform you more about the industry itself. In addition to being informative, we want to be fun! Every week we will post a fun video.  We hope to eventually have enough followers on Facebook and Twitter to start hosting contests!

Like us on Facebook:
Follow us on Twitter: @AAAStateofPlay

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Why Do You Need Playground Mulch?

Every kid loves going to the playground to play with his friends and ride on the swings and slides till the sun comes down. To be sure of your kids' safety during the long hours he or she spends on the playground, you must have mulch placed in the playing area. Mulch allows for better cushioning than sand or grass. Your child plays in a safer environment with high quality playground mulch placed well to protect him. Remember that playground mulch is necessary to make the playground safer for children. It gives kids a wider safe surface to run on and also negates any possibilities of injuries.

Playground mulch is made up of recycled materials and usually has an expected life term of about 20 to 25 years. It is available in a number of forms like -  engineered wood fiber carpet, rubber safety tiles, artificial grass, wooden playground mulch, foam tiles, recycled rubber safety surfacing etc.

By placing the mulch in the community playground or even your own backyard playground you have made for the kids at home, you are ensuring the complete safety for your kids. Another great benefit of mulch is that it prevents the growth of weed and spread of pest in and around the playing area. Playgrounds mulches are less prone to insect infestation and they eradicate the chance of bacterial growth. Playground mulch is not only meant for playgrounds and backyards, you can also use this surfacing option in your garden area, as it provides a clean and attractive look.

Now that you know the necessity and many benefits of playground mulch, it is time you explored our vast range of mulch, which promises durable, safe and maintenance free playground surfaces. At, AAA State of Play we are there to serve you while securing your best interests.