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Monday, December 9, 2013

Recycled Plastic Playground Equipment

We have recently added a selection of recycled plastic playground equipment to our website. You may be thinking, "What are some good reasons to choose recycled plastic equipment?"

  • Sustainability- It is good for the environment. By reusing plastic materials and turning them into these playgrounds the plastic is kept out of landfills. 
  • Safety- These playgrounds are designed with safety in mind. Not only are the safe on the environment, but they are safe for children! Materials used are non-toxic.
  • Design Variety- You will not have to sacrifice on design or color just because these playgrounds are made from recycled plastic. A wide variety of colors and playground designs are available!
  • Quality- These playgrounds don't look recycled! The plastic used to create these structures still looks brand new, even though it is recycled. There is no loss of quality.
Camp Bighorn Recycled Playground
To read our full article on sustainable playgrounds click here.

To see our new selection of recycled plastic playground equipment click here.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Thanksgiving Time

Thanksgiving is the start of my favorite time of year, the holiday season. There is something about this time of year that brings out the joy in everyone. For as long as I can remember I have loved getting up on Thanksgiving morning and watching the Macy's parade, smelling all of the wonderful aromas coming from the kitchen. My favorite Thanksgiving foods are deep fried turkey, sweet potatoes, and pumpkin pie. With all of the delicious food to eat on Thanksgiving, it is important to stay moving!

Many family's enjoy playing a game of football during their day. My parents sign up for a local 5K that benefits those who are less fortunate during the holidays. Kids are even welcome at these races, so it is a great family activity, helping others while keeping your fitness in mind. There are many party games that can be switched up a little to include Thanksgiving elements. "Pin the feather on the turkey" is just one example! The possibilities for fun are endless.

Keep in mind the need for physical activity this holiday season. Many holiday gatherings are centered around food, and that is great! But it is even better to play together as a family, too.

Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours!

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!

Halloween can be such a fun holiday! From trick or treating and carving pumpkins, to corn mazes and haunted houses, every family has their own fun Halloween traditions. Of course, there is always a ton of Halloween candy and treats involved. The question for many parents is, how can you keep your kids moving and burn off all the extra candy?

There are many great ideas that can still be Halloween related! Put on "Monster Mash" and let the kids dance away. Turn a game of Capture the Flag into Capture the Ghost with the simple change of flag color to white. Have races while the racers hop like frogs, or wobble like zombies

For a full list of physical Halloween activities that are fun click here.

Happy Halloween from AAA State of Play!

Friday, October 18, 2013

Bullying Prevention

Bullying seems to always be in the news. Tragic stories of bullying lead us to think of how we can stop bullying when we see it. Bullying can occur anywhere. From the playgrounds to the classrooms, and after school activities to the Internet, the task of combating bullying can seem overwhelming. We have published a guide on our website that focuses on bullying prevention. With focusing on the prevention aspect, we hope to stop bullying before it gets started.

Studies have shown that bullying occurs every seven minutes on the playground, and every twenty-five minutes in the classroom. Online bullying, or cyberbullying, can occur any time, day or night. Sometimes, bullying can be so severe that a child refuses to go to school out of fear or embarrassment. The National School Climate Center states that 85% of the time, there is no intervention from adults or even other children. Despite the severity of bullying (some cases have led to suicide), little is done to stop or even prevent it.

One of the easiest ways to prevent bullying is to simply teach your child about bullying. They need to feel comfortable discussing the topic, so that if it happens to them they will be more likely to tell an adult. They also need to be able to recognize signs of bullying in case they have a friend who is being bullied. Children can reach out to those being bullied and can become an ally when informing an adult.

Bullying isn't just physical. Bullying can be verbal as well. Just because there are no physical signs of bullying, such as bruises, does not mean bullying is not happening. A lot of scars from bullying are emotional. Recognizing the emotional changes in children can help to catch when bullying is occurring.

Bullying is a serious issue and while our article is not the only answer, it is a great place to start.

To read the full guide, click here.

Monday, October 7, 2013

NRPA Congress 2013- Houston, Texas

Today, a few of our sales representatives flew down to Houston, Texas for the 2013 NRPA Congress. The National Recreation and Park Association, or NRPA, hosts this show every year as a way for its' 40,000+ members to get together and explore the latest in the industry.

Once in attendance, members can browse the booths of various organizations and see first hand the great products that are out there. Learning about new companies, visiting with old friends, and making new network connections are just a few of the fun things that go on on the show room floor! Attendees have to opportunity to join in hundreds of educational sessions on a wide variety of topics and hear several speakers.

Each year the NRPA hosts this conference in a different city, enabling attendees to explore cities all over the country!

To learn more about the NRPA click here.
To learn more about the NRPA Congress click here.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

What is Poured in Place Surfacing?

Poured in place rubber is a seamless surface that is poured in two layers to create a safe playground surface. The bottom layer is a cushion layer and is made of cushion materials; either buffings or chunk material. The cushion material is chosen specifically for the size and cut of the area. It is put in place at specific depths for proper fall height protection and bonded together with a predetermined urethane ratio. This layer is allowed to cure before installing the wear course.

The top layer is called a "wear course" and is typically 3/8" thick and comprised of either EPDM (Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer), a type of synthetic rubber, or TPV (thermoplastic vulcanized), which boasts superior color and longevity. The wear course is the layer that is seen.

Poured in place surfacing with a fun design
There are a few different options of poured in place rubber. You can determine the right one for your job based on fall height requirement, color options, UV stability needed, high or low traffic areas, and overall durability. Our representatives are very knowledgeable and can help you determine the right type of poured in place rubber for your project.

There are many benefits of using poured in place rubber. It is a soft, yet durable, surface that will protect children while they play. It can be used both indoors and outdoors. There is a wide color variety with poured in place rubber. One of the coolest things about this surfacing is that you can create designs with it. Pathways can be laid in to guide children around the playground. Shapes, logos, designs, and other graphics can be put into the surfacing encouraging learning, games, and imagination. Sound can even be implemented into the surfacing adding an element of discovery and surprise.

Below is a video showing how the surfacing is done!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Keeping Physical Activity Fun

With all of the technology that is on the market, it can be hard to get children away from the television and outside to play. Children often view physical activity as work. Even for adults the idea of exercising sometimes does not seem appealing. That makes it even harder for kids to be active when we aren't always their best role models.

There are many ways to keep physical activity fun! In a recent article from the Reynoldsburg News, a paraprofessional from Slate Ridge Elementary School, Vincent Van Slyke, provides a more structured recess environment. These recesses include structured games of kickball, soccer, hopscotch, and more! Van Slyke does not require children to participate, but encourages them. He even plays along with the kids! The school is seeing more and more kids encouraging their friends to join Van Slyke's games, and even starting games of their own.

Van Slyke and other members of the Reynoldsburg Schools community have noticed that children are more likely to play when adults are playing along, rather than just supervising.

Other ways to keep physical activity fun can be found in this article on our website. Not only will you find tips on keeping activity fun, but you will find benefits of physical activity as well.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

New Category!

You may have noticed a few changes to our website. We have been working hard to redesign a few things to make your experience even better. Another new change, and one of my favorites, is the addition of the Playground Sale category. This category features products that are 50% off! Every structure in this category is brand new and is part of our Ultimate Play Program. Be sure to get these structures soon. They are only available for a limited time!

Lil' Sprout Play System
Below are a just a few of the new designs we are proud to feature.
Candies Crush Play System
Copper Canyon Play System

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

It's Back to School Time!

Many kids have already started back to school, and those that haven't soon will! August brings excitement for the new school year, the start of football season, and though it means the end of Summer, August promises a new Autumn.

Because kids are back to school, they have less time to spend outside playing. That is why recess is so important! It not only gives children a chance to get out of the classroom and burn off some energy, but it helps them to stay fit and active.

Get Physical Gamma
The Get Physical Gamma Fitness Course is just one of four structures in our Fitness Course section. These structures are great for keeping kids fit and active all while having a good time playing outside. They will have all the fun of recess and all the benefits of active play.

Check out the overhead picture to see what all is included with this fitness structure!

Get Physical Gamma Overhead
Get Physical Gamma

Monday, July 22, 2013

How To Choose Playground Equipment For a Home?

We may never notice but children shape up their personalities while playing and there can be nothing better than playground equipment for ideal physical, social and mental training. It is quite natural for children to get tempted on seeing an object worth playing, but sometimes it becomes impossible for us to take our children out. Kids tend to become irritable when not given a chance to burn their energies.

In that case, indoor playground equipment can bring back the smile on your kid's face. However, there are some precautions to be followed while choosing the indoor counterparts. Kids are often unaware of the forthcoming danger when they are playing. So it becomes our duty to provide them with the best and safest equipment along with the fun factor intact.  One must always make sure that kids' play does not turn in to a nightmare hence the equipment must be chosen with great care.

Here we have listed some points to remember while buying equipment for a home.

The first thing to be kept in mind is the space. If you happen to have a limited area, never ever go for a giant piece. It will just block the ways and the risk of getting hurt increases.

Indoor playground equipment are generally similar to their outdoor counterparts, for instance you will get mazes, tunnels and interconnected pathways for both indoor and outdoor. Contemporary monkey bars, jungle gym and slides are visually more appealing and with these kids don't have to compromise on the fun quotient too. If you want an indoor gym equipment, there can be nothing better than a spider-wall.

While the outdoor ones are inspired more from adult games (basketball, football) and focus on body co-ordination; home equipment teach team work, resilience and are more full of curiosity.

Children's playground equipment are meant to be chosen wisely. While the right ones are fun and good source of learning, the unsafe ones may make you repent for rest of your life.

Advantages Of Commercial Playground Equipment

Commercial Playground Equipment have evidently brought children back to the playgrounds. Kids who spend much of their time in front of the television can't resist the temptation of being out there on the ground and have fun with their peers.

The commercial counterpart proved to be of greater importance on the conventional ones on account of being more creative visually and physically. In past one decade, commercial playground equipment have undergone huge makeovers. Gone are the days when one or two slides, a simple merry go round and tire swing were all a playground had. The contemporary equipment are made of a variety of material and are available in hundreds of shapes and colors. Not only are they delight to eyes, but they agitate every stimulus in kids.

Classically, woods were used in making park equipment. This had more chances of children getting cuts and scratches as they had splinters and were not very soft. The modern version is coated with soft synthetics. If kids fall they are less likely to get bruised.

It would sound like a cliché if I say that spending time outdoors is really good for children. Modernized playground equipment have not only brought children back to the parks, but they carry a lot of added advantages too. They are something more than just means of exercise. Over and over it has been said and observed that sharing, empathizing, competing with children of same age, later become an important part of an adult's personality.

Spider’s walls, swings, rotating nets and basketball hoops are not only games, they help children develop mentally and increases awareness about their surroundings.

Children's playground equipment provide platforms of learning while playing. Successful in captivating children's visual senses, they are the best ways of having healthy fun. The equipment let children spin, slide, balance, hang and climb.

Setting up an Indoor Playground

No doubt outdoor playground equipment is fun but one can’t deny the fact that the indoor counterparts are equally important. Who does not want his kids to have a healthy mind along with a healthy body? Hence kids' psyche must be properly understood for providing them with the right kind of playground equipment.

Some people are so much so in love with their childhood memories that they look forward to setting up an indoor playground center as a business venture. It may seem kids' fun but mind it, a commercial indoor playground center requires a whole lot of brain storming before taking a final shape. We have clubbed some points to consider before you finally give a go to your new venture.

Make up your mind for the size of your indoor playground center. The factory size varies according to the target age group. For instance, if you are planning a playground for 0 to 5 years kids, your factory could be as small as 400 square meter. If you are planning to have a factory for all age group, it needs a minimum area of 650 square meter. In terms of height, a toddler playground can be as high as 4-6 m while an all age group center may demand up to 7-10 m high space.

Once done with the space, the second most important factor is budget. On a frank note, nobody can provide you with a correct estimate. However, roughly it may cost around $500 per square meter. The prices may vary depending on the fitting. For a better idea, one may refer to a catalog to determine more accurate size versus cost ratio.

Look for a proper location, probably a lower economic growing area would do good as the number of children there is comparatively high. Do not forget to get a car park area too.

Cafeteria, toilets, party rooms and air conditioners are next crucial aspects. The cost of establishing the center should not reflect on the food you serve. The meal is ought to be tasty, good quality yet economic.

When you own a play center, you need to have a staff too. Make sure that the people you hire are polite and good to children. Also make sure that your indoor playground center is neat and clean. Nobody will leave their children to a place full of filth.

While designing your indoor playground make sure you pick up some really attractive equipment. Have more of skating space and make sure that you set up play systems in such a manner that parents can view their children directly.

Be happy, warm and friendly and we are sure your customers will repay you the same.

Keeping Children Hydrated On Playgrounds In Summer

Summer holidays, longer days, warmer temperatures, less tight schedules and the playground, this is what a perfect setting for children requires. Summers let families spend more time together playing outdoors. The importance of playing outdoor has been discussed over and over. Almost everyone knows that play is good for health, both mental and physical. Now we will consider some other important aspects of keeping fit while playing out in sun.

Playing outdoor does contribute a lot in shaping up your child's personality but continues exposure to UV rays in sun and getting dehydrated subconsciously may take a toll on your ward's health. As adults, it is our duty to make sure that our children hydrated and energized while out in sun.

Children often do not realize or ignore the urge of having water while playing. All they know is thirst, but by the time they feel thirsty, they already lose a lot of fluids. In this write-up, we have mentioned some tips to keep your children cool and hydrated on the playground.

  1. Do not forget to carry water along. Most of the parks and playgrounds do have drinking water facilities and fountains but it would be better not to rely on them totally. On an average, one must consume 12 ounces of water per hour. But if it is a sunny day, or your kid happens to be really active, take extra water with you.
  2. Resting in shade and taking breaks is another good idea of escaping from excess heat. Look for shaded areas on the playground or look for parks that have shaded play systems to keep your kids cooler during play.
  3. With so much of physical activity, children are likely to feel hungry. If you pack snacks along, try and take hydrating fruits like cucumbers, strawberries, watermelon, pears, oranges and apples. They are healthy, refreshing and full of fluids in comparison to potato chips and wafers.
  4. It is advisable to go to the playground when the sun is not overhead. Got to the playground before 10:00 am or after 4:00 pm.
  5. Last but not the least, always apply sun screen before stepping out in.
  6. Choose commercial playground equipment which has a sun shade.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Reasons why your Kid needs a Playground

In the words of George Bernard Shaw, 'We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing'. Truly said, playing is the quintessential activity that should be followed all through your life. During the early age, a person needs to involve into playing games and other activities not only for his physical development, but also for the emotional, social and personality  development.

Kids of 21st century are now more involved in spending time in front of the television, computer or playing video games. This has led to lethargy and other adverse health related symptoms in kids of a very young age. Every school premise has a playground or an open ground with all the equipment that helps a kid experience the fun of playing games outdoors.

But actually how helpful is an outdoor playground for kids?
  • Playground fosters a sense of companionship and instills a sense of team spirit among children.
  • Outdoor activities help children to become agile and develop their motor and sensory skills.
  • Promotes spiritual, moral and character development. Playing also develop health, cooperation and self-confidence of children.
  • Kids learn relationship building, self-control, negotiation and tolerance.
  • Enhances communication skills.
  • Removes tiredness, laziness, and promotes creativity, focus and concentration.
  • Physical exercises build up strong muscles and bones.
All these advantages are provided by playing outdoors. However, the only challenge is to get the kids on the playground. For such a problem, many parents have to push their kids to get involved into playing games outdoors. Therefore, manufacturers have created effective and alluring equipment for both normal and physically challenged kids to play and grow themselves.

Playground for kids include slides, swings, climbers, bench swings, sandboxes and sand diggers, spring riders, and more. The equipment is available at competitive prices and of superior quality for fun filled and developmental activities to be played by kids on the playground.

Things you need for Children's Playground

If a classroom restricts a kid from looking outside the window and daydreaming his fantasies and dreams, then all a kid needs to do is get outside the window, literally! Out on the ground with its friends and classmates, a child gets engaged in all sorts of physical activities. It interacts with others, form a deep bond with other friends and learn the techniques of interaction, communication skills, team spirit, self-discipline, and competition.

Playing games outside on the ground also contribute to a child's cognitive, physical, emotional, mental and social development. To achieve all these things from a tender age of childhood, many schools, parks and even houses have started to maintain an open ground or a backyard playground for their children. Setting up a children's playground, requires a proper planning. The foremost element to be concerned of is of the safety of children. A thorough examination of the playground equipment is to be made. Look out for sharp edges or if there is a possibility of children getting injured due to bad designing of the equipment. Also each equipment installed should withstand all weather conditions; be strong and durable; affordable and require low or no maintenance.

When it comes to buying such equipment, prefer plastic equipment which is eco-friendly. Following are the major 5 types of children's playground equipment:
  • Sliding Equipment
  • Spinning Equipment
  • Climbing Equipment
  • Hanging Equipment
  • Balancing Equipment
Along with these equipment, children would love to have various other things in their playground. These can be sand with which they make sandcastles or different structures; fountains; vegetation including flowers, trees and bushes; park benches and shelters under which they can rest and relax.

The above mentioned equipment and other elements will keep children engrossed in playing outdoors rather than spending time slouching on the sofa watching a TV or computer. The kids’ playground equipment is available in bright colors, designs and in various shapes to meet the needs of a school, park or a house. Keeping the plan and budget in mind, buy equipment and gift your child maximum enjoyment and a happy childhood.

Best Choice for Playground Equipment

Childhood is the best time of a person's life. This is the time which is devoid of any worries. You learn a lot about life and relations, stress free. This is the time to make friends, dream big and imagine a world of your own. Running around in open fields, swinging high and aiming for the skies, living various characters, and so much more a kid does in its childhood.

All these experiences of life not happen only in schools or at homes, but mostly on the playground. And a major contribution for kid's development begins right outside a classroom, on an open ground with all the swings, slides, climbers, etc. No matter how much the technology has advanced and has replaced board games, a playground will always be the first and foremost element for a kid's development and  will never lose out its place in a child's life.

Talking about playground, it has all the equipment to in-build benefits associated with them. While the traditional playground had equipment made of wooden or metal, the conventional ones have started using plastic playground equipment. High grade plastic, which is recyclable is used in designing swing sets, picnic tables, balance and seesaws, merry go rounds, playhouses, fun tubes, spring riders, climbers and many more.

The plastic equipment is made in attractive colors and is safe for kids. These are structured in a way that it becomes appropriate for usage by all kids-  both normal and physically challenged. The equipment is strong and durable and can take up any amount of weight. Placed outdoors, these withstand all weather conditions like strong sunshine, continual rains and even hailstorms. Why the use of plastic playground equipment has increased in today's world and being more preferred over wooden and metal is because the equipment is designed with strict attention to the laid industry standards and regulations, which make them even safer. Also plastic is 100% recyclable making these eco-friendly. These have a long lasting life and are mostly maintenance free.

Kids plastic play equipment is indeed the best alternative to other wooden or metal equipment which are slowly declining in the market. Finally, the reason or factor of installing plastic play equipment is the cost consideration. These are quite affordable and because they come in various colors, shapes, sizes and designs, you can easily use these for your playground and give your kid a beautiful childhood.

Why Playground Equipment Are Important?

Playground is the first place where children start working on their social skills. Here, they learn sharing and general behavior with their peers. Basic socializing is learned at a young age which is groomed and developed later on in life.

Playgrounds are a common place for children from different backgrounds and societies. They interact, communicate, empathize and share with each other while playing together. They get to face unfamiliar people, situations and learn to adapt to these changes and grow as an individual personality. This is also a good place to make friends out of classrooms.

Kids also enhance their imagination power while playing and use playground equipment as props of their fictional world. This translates to brain development. The next important thing is physical activity. While sitting back at home, kids hardly get a chance to burn their energies off; this body demand is met only through playing. Playground equipment cater to their need of jumping, running, hopping and crawling.

Children are innately attracted to swings and slides. Site of a park full of rides is enough to lure kids and ask you to stop the car. While kids learn to interact and socialize, they also learn ways of self-protection when exposed to unpredicted situations like jumping from a considerable height or coming down from a high slide. While in playground they develop self-confidence and a sense of competition which is an important part of an adult personality. Children also develop a sense of harmony with environment, peers, place and community.

Preschool playground equipment help in development of all the traits which children might require as adults. While there are so many positive attributes associated with playground and playground equipment, children are more likely to get hurt during outdoor activities, hence safety should be the prime priority.  No one can guarantee 100 percent safety however; adult supervision can minimize the risk. We must teach children the right way to play, so they don't end up hurting self and others.
