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Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Me, Myself, and I: 10 Benefits of Solo Play For Children

Photo by Alena Navarro- Whyte (Flickr)

My girls learn a lot when they play with other kids, and I encourage social play as often as possible. However, they do learn while playing solo, too. I know many parents feel concerned about letting their kids play alone, but kids gain ten key benefits from playing alone, making me, myself, and I time highly productive for children.

1. Increase Independence

It's important for kids to learn how to play well with other children, but they also need to be independent. When kids play solo, they become confident and comfortable making their own decisions, developing opinions, and becoming independent individuals.

2. Strengthen Personal Identity

Every child has unique likes and dislikes, interests, talents, and hobbies. Encourage solo play as you help your child discover what makes them tick. Over time, your child's personal identity will grow stronger, and they'll be more confident and secure as they embrace who they are.

3. Become Socially Independent

While my girls usually have access to at least one playmate, I've learned that solo play develops social independence. They become secure and confident in who they are, which allows them to stand up to bullies, play well with others, and feel comfortable in almost any group.

4. Promote Calmness

There is definitely a time and a place for wild and wacky play! But my girls need calm play, too, especially before naps and at bedtime. Solo play promotes calmness in their bodies and minds when they need that peace.

5. Teach Self-Regulation

When kids monitor and control their behavior, thoughts, and emotions based on their circumstances, they're exercising self-regulation. This skill helps them manage school, social, and other situations and is one they learn as they play alone.

6. Feel Comfortable Alone

When my older daughter started school, my younger daughter had to learn how to play alone. It took her several weeks to adjust, but she did eventually become comfortable playing alone. Because of this experience, I don't have to worry about how she'll entertain herself when no one else is around.

7. Overcome Separation Anxiety

Almost every child experiences separation anxiety at some point because it's a normal part of growing up. I know my girls didn't want me out of their sight during their toddler and preschool years. I gave them plenty of chances to play alone, though, and they did become more secure, less clingy, and better prepared for their first sleepovers with the grandparents and their first day of school.

8. Develop Imagination

During their last solo-play session, my older daughter drew a few elaborate mandalas and my younger daughter built an elaborate Lego castle. I was blown away by their imaginative ideas, particularly because imagination paves the way for academic, cognitive, and neurological development.

9. Foster Creativity

When playing in a group, it's easy for my girls to go with the flow and follow traditional game rules. Give kids a chance to play alone, though, and they start asking questions, thinking outside of the box, and finding unique solutions. This creativity definitely prepares them for real-world problems they will face.

10. Hone Talents

My girls' talent amazes me, and I see their talents improve every time they play alone. Whether they're putting on a play with their stuffed animals, shaping animal figures from paper, or drawing a coloring book, they're honing their unique talents, abilities, and skills that provide personal fulfillment and could turn into careers one day.

Me, myself, and I time gives children ten benefits and prepares for success as kids and adults. Whenever possible, I encourage my girls to take time for solo play. When will you schedule your child's next solo play date?

Find more about the author: Kim Hart

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