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Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Gold Stars! 7 A+ Education Advocates to Follow on Twitter

Photo by Rex Pe (Flickr)

Did your teachers ever give you a gold star for acing a test, answering a question correctly, or paying attention in class? I love gold stars, and now it's my turn to pass a few on to education advocates. I follow these seven Twitter posters regularly and think they'll help you learn something from them, too.


If you want massive and diverse resources, look no further than Edutopia. I'm blown away by the incredibly helpful game-based learning section, and I appreciate the focus on STEM learning. Edutopia also covers ways to incorporating technology in the classroom and the importance of focusing on emotional intelligence and academics. And did I mention that Edutopia is part of the George Lucas Educational Foundation? How cool is that?


You've probably heard the Dell name associated with computers, but Dell Education posts a variety of tech-related information on their Twitter feed, too. Stay updated on ways to use and incorporate tech tools in and out of the classroom and follow global education and technological initiatives thanks to Dell's informative Twitter feed.


As a regular reader of this blog, you're familiar with KaBOOM! because they're huge play advocates. However, I'm including their Twitter handle in a post about educators, too, because play is a huge part of a child's education. Kids perform better in school when they experience adequate play time, and many educators use play to reinforce lessons in the classroom. KaBOOM! works hard to give kids more play opportunities, and I appreciate their insight into how crucial play is for child development. I think you'll appreciate everything play does for our kids, too.


If you want to follow an educator who's impacted students worldwide, check out Vicki Davis. She's a teacher and author who focuses on individuality, play, reading, and more. You'll find everything from back-to-school shopping tips to homework help on her Twitter feed. You don't want to miss her!


Lisa Nielson thought school was boring and irrelevant, so she became a teacher. Now, she uses social media as a platform for promoting supportive learning environments and passion-driven learning. She wants kids to be prepared for success in the future, and she encourages educators and parents to think outside of the traditional teaching box. I appreciate her innovative message and its relevance to our kids.


From teaching educators about how to maximize iPads in the classroom to helping parents navigate their kids' social media usage, Dr. Wesley Fryer discusses all things education and tech on his Twitter feed. He's a teacher, technology director, and advocate for change, and he's approachable, knowledgeable, and helpful.


When you want a one-stop-shop for information that's relevant to parents, educators, and students, follow Cybrary Man Jerry Blumengarten. He worked in education for more than 30 years and began cataloging Internet information when he served as a teacher-librarian at his school. I appreciate how he writes tips for teachers and parents, and I learn something new every time he posts to Twitter.

Educators build our future as they teach our kids. I'm grateful for the teachers my girls have, and I encourage you to follow these seven education advocates. They each deserve a gold star, don't you agree?

Find more about the author: Kim Hart

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